Haarlem oil, the lethal weapon to prevent and fight against the flu
Until the 6th Century
All epidemics were called “plagues”, which were flu or epidemics. To curb the bad, Pope Gregory organized a procession with an image of the Virgin Mary. Miracle that worked!
Later in the 14th Century
After the survival of the second great epidemic plague. The belief was still in the holiness however, the epidemic killed 30 million individuals in five years. Which is one-third of the population of Europe.
In the 19th Century
The course changed in Paris, where a cholera epidemic touched Europe and hit strongly in the upper classes of society. The epidemic strengthens the hygienic movement and a lot of decontamination work has been done. The call to God was not enough and had to be also made to town planners and doctors. Following this, thanks to Pasteur, contagiousness had been proven, vaccinations became apparent and the danger of the epidemics seemed isolated.
The arrival of the 20th Century
In 1918, the world knew a catastrophic episode with the Spanish flu (part of China, but named Spanish in France, as they believed that it was brought back in canned food by the soldiers). The flu took 20 to 40 million lives, more than world conflicts have accomplished. The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War. Despite of medicine progress a little later, two other epidemics, the flu in 1957. (the Asiatic flu: 4 million deaths) In 1968 (the Hong Kong flu: 2 million deaths). Since twenty-five years, the circulating viruses are descendants of the Hong Kong virus. These three epidemics of flu of the 20th century have one common point. Their aviary origin and their birth in the Extreme Orient, where the dense population lives in direct contact with animals.
21st Century. This time it is the new bird flu.
Whilst reading or listening to the media, the information about this new flu is wide-spread in many countries. “A planetary medical alert. An illness that we do not know the name but has come from Asia. The death suspects are in Canada and in Vietnam, the illness also suspected in Germany. The scenario is a dream for a medical thriller”. This is what we are able to read in science and an internet journal, only available in French and translated for this occasion:
Down cried by a minority, praised by the majority, tamiflu is in a paradoxical position: its status of an anti-bird flu medication has brought fortune to its fabricator…..however, if there were to be a real epidemic of bird flu, the tamiflu would be relegated into oblivion, as soon as possible.
Millions of pages is written about the risks and consequences of the Bird Flu.
It is a small product compared to those that are fabricated by the gigantic pharmaceuticals, as well as the impossibility to produce the enormous quantities as that of these big groups. Deceitfully, since more than 400 years, Genuine Haarlem Oil has cured many, never with any problem. Today the testimonies count by the millions, coming from all horizons. It has also come from those who want to improve their well being and also those suffering from rheumatism, chronic bronchitis, etc. From medical professionals such as physiotherapists, acupuncturists, doctors, cancerologists, etc…., all that have had the occasion to test and approve the benefits of Genuine Haarlem Oil.
Formerly Genuine Haarlem Oil considered as a medicine. Today this nutritional supplement, used to cure of the bird flu: avian influenza virus. It’s confirme by a story the death of Guillaume Apollinaire. Poetry writer, Apollinaire, whose work had been throughout the world. He born in Rome in 1880 and died 9th November 1918, from the Spanish flu, at the age of 38 years old.
The following text is from the book written by Albert Paraz “Speak French”, edition Amiot and Dumont, Paris, writer Chronicler, dead in 1951.
20th August I brought Georges Vergnes, who prepared a book on Apollinaire, to Cendrars’ house at Villefranche. Cendrars told us about his death, on Armistice day in 1918. Guillaume had the Spanish flu. Cendrars had distributed seventy-two bottles of Haarlem Oil, the remedy awarded to Paracelse, which cost eight cents. Two people suffering from the flu refused to take the remedy and both are dead, one being Apollinaire. The other seventy were cured.
The passage that was written at the last moments of this writer. Who did not want to follow the others, has taken us aback! They were only two out of seventy-two that did not take the Haarlem Oil and both were dead. Better be part of the 70!!!
The scientists say that is not a proof of Haarlem Oil preventing from falling into the claws of the bird flu. However there is one thing that can be noted from the readings of these commentaries of the death of G. Apollinaire, is that if he did not refuse to take the remedy, he probably had a greater chance of saving his life against this bird flu.
28th June 2006, in “Le Monde” newspaper:
53rd case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus.
The OMS has confirmed the transmission of the Bird Flu, from an Indonesian to his family, however is reassuring about the transfer of the virus.
“Medical Experts Predict a Shocking 50% Death Rate for those Infected with ‘Bird Flu’
Haarlem oil, the lethal weapon to prevent and fight against the flu
Until the 6th Century
All epidemics were called “plagues”, which were flu or epidemics. To curb the bad, Pope Gregory organized a procession with an image of the Virgin Mary. Miracle that worked!
Later in the 14th Century
After the survival of the second great epidemic plague. The belief was still in the holiness however, the epidemic killed 30 million individuals in five years. Which is one-third of the population of Europe.
In the 19th Century
The course changed in Paris, where a cholera epidemic touched Europe and hit strongly in the upper classes of society. The epidemic strengthens the hygienic movement and a lot of decontamination work has been done. The call to God was not enough and had to be also made to town planners and doctors. Following this, thanks to Pasteur, contagiousness had been proven, vaccinations became apparent and the danger of the epidemics seemed isolated.
The arrival of the 20th Century
In 1918, the world knew a catastrophic episode with the Spanish flu (part of China, but named Spanish in France, as they believed that it was brought back in canned food by the soldiers). The flu took 20 to 40 million lives, more than world conflicts have accomplished. The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War. Despite of medicine progress a little later, two other epidemics, the flu in 1957. (the Asiatic flu: 4 million deaths) In 1968 (the Hong Kong flu: 2 million deaths). Since twenty-five years, the circulating viruses are descendants of the Hong Kong virus. These three epidemics of flu of the 20th century have one common point. Their aviary origin and their birth in the Extreme Orient, where the dense population lives in direct contact with animals.
21st Century. This time it is the new bird flu.
Whilst reading or listening to the media, the information about this new flu is wide-spread in many countries. “A planetary medical alert. An illness that we do not know the name but has come from Asia. The death suspects are in Canada and in Vietnam, the illness also suspected in Germany. The scenario is a dream for a medical thriller”. This is what we are able to read in science and an internet journal, only available in French and translated for this occasion:
Down cried by a minority, praised by the majority, tamiflu is in a paradoxical position: its status of an anti-bird flu medication has brought fortune to its fabricator…..however, if there were to be a real epidemic of bird flu, the tamiflu would be relegated into oblivion, as soon as possible.
Millions of pages is written about the risks and consequences of the Bird Flu.
It is a small product compared to those that are fabricated by the gigantic pharmaceuticals, as well as the impossibility to produce the enormous quantities as that of these big groups. Deceitfully, since more than 400 years, Genuine Haarlem Oil has cured many, never with any problem. Today the testimonies count by the millions, coming from all horizons. It has also come from those who want to improve their well being and also those suffering from rheumatism, chronic bronchitis, etc. From medical professionals such as physiotherapists, acupuncturists, doctors, cancerologists, etc…., all that have had the occasion to test and approve the benefits of Genuine Haarlem Oil.
Formerly Genuine Haarlem Oil considered as a medicine. Today this nutritional supplement, used to cure of the bird flu: avian influenza virus. It’s confirme by a story the death of Guillaume Apollinaire. Poetry writer, Apollinaire, whose work had been throughout the world. He born in Rome in 1880 and died 9th November 1918, from the Spanish flu, at the age of 38 years old.
The following text is from the book written by Albert Paraz “Speak French”, edition Amiot and Dumont, Paris, writer Chronicler, dead in 1951.
20th August I brought Georges Vergnes, who prepared a book on Apollinaire, to Cendrars’ house at Villefranche. Cendrars told us about his death, on Armistice day in 1918. Guillaume had the Spanish flu. Cendrars had distributed seventy-two bottles of Haarlem Oil, the remedy awarded to Paracelse, which cost eight cents. Two people suffering from the flu refused to take the remedy and both are dead, one being Apollinaire. The other seventy were cured.
The passage that was written at the last moments of this writer. Who did not want to follow the others, has taken us aback! They were only two out of seventy-two that did not take the Haarlem Oil and both were dead. Better be part of the 70!!!
The scientists say that is not a proof of Haarlem Oil preventing from falling into the claws of the bird flu. However there is one thing that can be noted from the readings of these commentaries of the death of G. Apollinaire, is that if he did not refuse to take the remedy, he probably had a greater chance of saving his life against this bird flu.
28th June 2006, in “Le Monde” newspaper:
53rd case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus.
The OMS has confirmed the transmission of the Bird Flu, from an Indonesian to his family, however is reassuring about the transfer of the virus.
“Medical Experts Predict a Shocking 50% Death Rate for those Infected with ‘Bird Flu’